Business improvement: Check out business processes to identify key areas for improvement. Revamp end to end marketing processes to ensure new web marketing initiatives fits properly into overall marketing plan
Start up: 2 year project defining and setting up a successful product design and prototyping company
Acquisition and set up: Spinning off a new business from a long established company that has ceased trading
General: Evaluation of existing business against best practice metrics to identify areas for improvement. Establish and and implement plans to make improvements
Growth: Addition of new services to an existing small business. Full engagement with Social Media as a means of promotion
Supply chain: Benchmarking against best in class and renegotiation of better business terms
Product: Implementation of full lifecycle planning, control and measurement. Identifying products nearing end of cycle, planning and implementing replacement
Numerous business set ups: Market study, supplier identification and engagement, research and development, prototyping, manufacturing and outsourcing, marketing and sales
Numerous business improvements: From sole traders to multinationals
Product development: Identification of new market requirement, development of suitable products, design, development and successful introduction
Social enterprise: Providing employment for people who may find it difficult working during conventional working hours or traveling to a place of work
Lobbying: Making governments aware of technological innovation and possible implications on policy
Market research: Investigation into key technologies and likely impact on European markets from low cost production in SE Asia
Technology: Identification and introduction of innovative technology into the commercial world. Setting up process for carrying out and managing ongoing improvement
Business improvement: Benchmarking against best in class. Identification of areas for improvement with full programme and metrics
Business modelling: Separation of business unit from existing business to allow for more appropriate focus
Marketing campaign: Temporary spin-out of activities so as not to interfere with day to day operations
Communications networks: Design, implementation and operation of fixed and wireless networks, terrestrial and submarine